Dear Tobacco,

Saturday, April 29, 2006

Dear Tobacco,

I've come to figure something out about death. It's not really profound I suppose - when someone dies you cry at the weirdest things. At the oddest times. At random triggers. Or if you're just thinking of them, you kind of have this mental dialogue that goes "Oh. Oh yeah. He's gone now - dead. That means he's not coming back. "

Those are the moments when it's most real. Those are the times when I realize I'm actually in this life, living this path, feeling this pain. It's almost like pain is the only thing that makes it true, other than the obvious absence of the one you love. Those times suck.

I catch myself getting angry at you, and at myself. At you because you've managed to put a stranglehold of pain on everyone Eric knew, and angry at myself because I've let you go on this long without hearing my thoughts on the subject. I'm also angry because I, we, the world, can't seem to escape your infectious attraction or your inscessent shameless presence.

The power you have over us is criminal, you know. I'm not sure how you can sleep at night.


  • Tobacco is a bad thing. Tobacco should not be used the way it is, and I am sorry for whatever loss you might have had to suffer. Tobacco has a reason to be on this earth. Though I do not know what, I do know that it is not to be smoked. Not to be used that way. It is harmful, damaging, and destroying to the body. Those cells of yours have a life of their own too, and they don't deserve it. It's a disgusting habit, and when you give in, tobacco closes it's dark hand around you, refusing to let go. I understand addiction, though I have never smoked. I am sorry, and I know how you feel.

    By Blogger Venite Maledicti, at 8:48 p.m.  

  • I would be honoured. Please let me know if there is anything I can do :-)

    By Blogger Rea, at 8:58 a.m.  

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