Dear Tobacco,

Thursday, April 27, 2006

Dear Tobacco,

Another grass fire was started near Calgary the other day because of a butt being thrown out a car window. This happens at least twice per year - a smouldering ember of tobacco ignites the brush and grass around it and in an instant the destruction spreads. Kind of paints a scary picture eh?

When it comes to You, people forget how selfish you make them seem. How everything in the world could come to a halt if they can't get that cigarette in. How right after they've taken their last drag it might be more convenient to toss it out the window than to butt it in the ash tray. How those that do that aren't thinking of the power of nature to take any opportunity it's given to create havoc. It's like they don't respect their own potential power of destruction - not even getting started on the physical destruction on the human body.

I read some intense statistic once that suggested that all the plastic filters from cigarettes are slowly filling up thier own virtual dumps, but those dumps manage to make it onto any number of gutters, planters, sidewalks, road-sides, sewers, bottles, cans, toilet paper dispensors in bar bathrooms, and of course grass fields and campgrounds. The visibility of the stronghold that You have on our people is intense - be it debris, spit, powder, fire, smoke, or ash we all don't have far to look to see you in action.

People aren't themselves when they are addicted to you. They do things they might scold their kids for doing. They say things or sacrifice things because of the hold that you have on them. I say this partly out of suspicion, and mostly out of hope. Why? Because I know that there are good odds that Buddy who started that grass fire had no intent in hurting anyone except themselves. I can only hope that without you, Tobacco, in their life they might not have been in/directly responsible for a fire that always has the chance of taking lives.

Funny that you're able to multi-task so darned well - you can kill the host and anything else you touch in one fell swoop, even if they don't ask for it.

Pretty frickin' clever.

Butt sparks large grass fire


POSTED AT 6:22 PM Wednesday, April 26
There was a huge grassfire Wednesday in S.E. Calgary and firefighters say it started because someone was careless with a cigarette butt.
The fire started at 1 p.m. near 57 St. and 51 Ave. S.E. It torched about 120 hectares of grassland, but there's no damage to any structures. A shifting wind made it tough for firefighters to get a handle on the blaze.
It took them a couple hours to put it out.


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